Last week I done something I've been wanting to do for a few years but up until this point had never felt psychologically ready enough for, I booked myself onto a retreat to experience 3 sessions of Ayahuasca for next month. I've been researching DMT (dimethyltryptamine) for the last 5-6 years and was introduced to Ayahuasca more recently. Ayahuasca is a brew made by Shamans which induces a psychadelic, visionary state, the active ingredient being DMT, and is used by many people for individual reasons. For therapy, relief, cures, answers and more. The common factor of the experience seems to be 're-living' the traumatic occurrences of your lifetime and gathering a new found understanding of them, whilst enlightening you within this 3-5 hr journey and therefore 'freeing' your self and mind from any issues and/or lasting effects these experiences have left with you. Let's call those 'limitations'. Oh, and you also puke. A lot. The bel...
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